The Office of Administrative Hearings failed in its assignment to
conduct this case lawfully.  Why does it refuse to file a petition
asking the Superior Court to throw out this illegal decision?

Why does Presiding Judge Steven Adler support this decision?
San Diego
Presiding OAH
Judge Steven Adler
denied the right of
a citizen to see her
own file!
San Diego
Education Report
"Factual Findings 50, 53, 56, 59 and 73 declare that
ocuments accepted into
evidence and recorded in
Judge Ahler’s own
handwriting do not exist!"
The Office of
Hearings willfully
violates the law in
order to give arbitrary
power to the
individuals who have
obtained control of
school districts
"At this time, Mrs.
Larkins was entitled
to a full evidentiary
hearing regarding
the September 26
change from
administrative leave
to unpaid
Ahler's findings are blatantly false for multiple reasons.  

1) Judge Ahler declared, to justify his findings 50, 53, 56, 59
and 73, that documents
he himself accepted into evidence and
recorded in his own handwriting do not exist
.  The Clerk’s
Record shows, in Ahler's handwriting, that not only do the
documents exist, but Ahler himself handled them.

2) Factual Finding 50 is contradicted by Exhibit 62, Pamela
Havird’s letter to Mr. Werlin dated September 10, 2001.

3) Factual Finding 53 is contradicted by Exhibit R 34.


The first part of the letter is a repeat of the information in the
September 17 letter, to which Pamela Havird had already
responded one day earlier, in her September 19, 2001 letter
(Exhibit R34); the second part of the letter was answered by
Mrs. Larkins on September 27, 2001 (Exhibit 33).


The COMMISSION outdid itself in making this finding.  In this
finding the COMMISSION denies the existence of not just one
but six responses sent by MRS. LARKINS to the district.  Five of
these responses are in evidence (Exhibits 33, sent to two
people, Exhibit 41, pages 4 and 5, and Exhibit 36.)  Although
the sixth response was not taken into evidence, its existence is
proven by other evidence, specifically, the Superintendent’s
letter answering it (Exhibit 39, page 5).


Neither Mrs. Larkins nor Attorney Havird provided the
DISTRICT with any writing suggesting that Mrs. Larkins’
refusal to work was supported by or justified under the
DISTRICT/CVEA agreement.

This finding is contradicted by Exhibit 41, the November 13,
2001 Level I Grievance filed by Mrs. Larkins regarding
Safety.   At this time, Mrs. Larkins was entitled to a full
evidentiary hearing regarding the September 26 change from
administrative leave to unpaid suspension.   This pay stoppage
was a violation of the contract for several reasons, as Mrs.
Larkins points out in Exhibit 37.
Illegal OAH Decision
Page 17
Maura Larkins was
bent over backwards
trying to help the
district escape the
consequences of
criminal Labor Code
and violations
of contract.
"This work
environment is too
hostile for Mrs.
Larkins to dare set
foot in the district."
Judge Ahler used falsehood after falsehood to
justify his LEGAL CONCLUSION 7: Mrs. Larkins
Was Guilty of Insubordination
(Persistent Violations of District Rules)
Judge Ahler wrote: “Mrs. Larkins Was Guilty
of Insubordination.”

This was clearly false.
outdid itself in making
this finding...the
COMMISSION denies the
existence of not just one
but SIX responses sent
by MRS. LARKINS to the
Is Judge Ahler
incompetent, or just
dishonest?  Or both?
Page 17
CVESD Report
CVESD Reporter
Lawsuit Abuse
Learning Boosters
Petition for Writ of