Bate-stamped documents,
missing many pages

Produced by Mark Bresee of Parham &
Rajcic in 2002 for Larkins'
OAH hearing
A "Bate-stamped"
document is one that
has been stamped
< < <
with a page number by a lawyer
who is collecting evidence for a
< < < This is the exhibit
number, NOT the Bate
stamp.  See the Bate
stamp at bottom of page.
The document below, written long after events took place, reveals that Gretchen
Donndelinger had forgotten that she came into Maura Larkins' classroom and warmly
greeted Larkins during the 3/26/01 visit described.  Maura Larkins had been invited back
to work the previous evening by Richard Werlin, and had told Werlin that she would help
her substitute, but did not want to come back until an investigation took place and
allegations against her were retracted.

No investigation took place. Much later, Donndelinger tried to reconstruct a report out of
her very incomplete notes.  It's not surprising that she made mistakes.
Bate stamp        Date                                Subject

01-04              April 16-20, 2001       Linda Watson notes
05-06 missing                                 ?
07                  March 6, 2001            Letter to parents from Gretchen
08                  April 6, 2001              Letter to parents from Gretchen
09 missing                                      ?
10                  March 29, 2001          Letter to parents from Gretchen
11 missing                                     ?
12                  April 23, 2001            Letter to parents from Gretchen
13-20 missing                                 ?
It's hard to tell which pages are missing
when they are all mixed up like this.
(This was the district's intent.)
(Where is #55?)
Missing documents:
5-6, 9, 11, 13-20, 24,
27, 28,
39, 44,
63-65, 77-83
Letters from Robin
and Kim are missing.
Some documents were produced; at
least 33 documents are missing.  

Why is Chula Vista Elementary School
District hiding these documents?
The documents described  below have been hidden by Chula Vista Elementary
School District and its attorney Daniel Shinoff for four years, since originally
requested in 2003.  Stutz law firm failed to bring these documents to its
on November 8, 2007.
OAH Exhibit 14 is a perfect example of this strategy.  It consists of
Gretchen Donndelinger notes, some of which were prepared in
handwriting specifically for the hearing, long after the events took place.

The documents are listed in the order they appear in the exhibit.

Bate stamp     Date               rewrite/original          subject

84-87               "around 9/21/08"   rewrite                       Michelle
68,                      Jan 2001                                                    Jo Ellen joke
69-70                                                 original                       Robin's control issues, paranoia
71                                                       original                       Gretchen note to Maura
72-76                                                 rewrite                       notes
67                                                       rewrite                       Roger Cunningham, James Comer Program
66                                                       original
57-62               Feb. 12, 2001          original                        meeting notes Rick Werlin
56                     3/26/01                   rewrite                       Maura visit after call from Werlin asking her back
47           4/4/01                    Letters from Robin, Kim, Lynn
Letters from Robin and Kim are missing;
There was no letter from Michelle Scharmach until
after I sued.
Missing documents:
5-6, 9, 11, 13-20, 24, 27, 28,
39, 44, 48,51-53, 55,
63-65, 77-83
Letters from Robin and Kim
are missing.
Stutz Documents
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Linda Watson was worried that
Maura Larkins would find out that
Linda had conspired to
commit a
crime against her, so Linda made
up a story to get rid of Maura.  
Actually, she made up more than
one story.  The day before she
made the report at right, Linda
had a bizarre conversation with
Kathy Bingham, and an even more
bizarre conversation with her own
son.  She seems to have
convinced herself that she had the
right to lie about Maura Larkins
since Kathy Bingham and her son
would support any action she took
to get rid of Larkins.

Richard Denmon
Bate-stamped document #39

Attorney Mark Bresee didn't produce it
when he produced various other
documents from this set. Attorneys
Daniel Shinoff and
Ray Artiano didn't
produce it--even for the lawsuit in
which they claimed that Stutz law firm
didn't cover up crimes.

Why didn't CVESD attorneys produce
this and other missing documents that
Dan Shinoff collected at
Castle Park
Elementary in the fall of 2001?
Bate-stamped document #34
Bate-stamped document #35
Bate-stamped document #36
Bate-stamped document #37
Bate-stamped document
Bate-stamped document
Bate-stamped document
Stutz, Artiano Shinoff & Holtz and
Chula Vista Elementary School District
The following documents were collected by Daniel Shinoff at Castle Park Elementary
School in the fall of 2001.  Daniel Shinoff never produced any of the documents, even
though they were subpoenaed in 2007 and multiple requests for
production were made
prior to that time.  Why didn't he produce them?  Here's some information about the case.
document  # 56